Latest Post on Important Topics of Physics, By M Anwar Sir
Cbse Class 12 Physics Objective Question
Cbse Class 12 Physics Objective Question 1. Electric Charges And Fields 2. Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance 3. Current Electricity 4.
Class 12 Physics Chapter Wise Board Question
1. CBSE Board Objective Test 2. State Board Objective Test
Limitations of coulomb’s law
Limitations of coulomb’s law (i) It is only valid for charge at rest, not for moving charge (ii) It is
Motional EMF Physics Class 12
Motional EMF (Electromotive Force) – Class 12 Physics In Class 12 Physics, motional EMF is a key concept in electromagnetic
Motional EMF Class 12 Physics
Motional EMF Class 12 Physics Motional EMF :- When a conducting rod moves in a magnetic field as it cuts
units and measurements class 11 notes
units and measurements class 11 notes units and measurements class 11 handwritten notes Notes is based on ncert . Completely

Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2024-25
Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2024-25 CBSE Click here for pdf of syllabus Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2024-25

class 12 physics notes pdf free download
class 12 physics notes pdf free download click here for notes click to get complete notes, written by
what is atomic mass unit
what is atomic mass unit ? Ans:- (i) Atomic mass unit is defined as accurately 1/12th part of the mass

Mobility Class 12 Physics
Mobility Class 12 Physics Mobility :- it is the drift velocity per unit applied electric field in a wire. mobility

limitations of ohm’s law
limitations of ohm’s law 1. Ohm’s law is only valid for constant resistance , not valid for variable resistance .